Sunday, March 16, 2014


China - as in the dishes not the country- was never on my radar. Aaron and I got married and three months later moved overseas. We didn't do the traditional registry that newlyweds do. Honestly, even if we had, I am not sure I would have registered for China. I didn't really know what it was. It's not something that my mom had, it's not common in Brazilian culture. It just wasn't on my radar. And up until this point in my life it would have just been something else to pack and move 764 times in the last 5 years. Sooooo - we didn't have it. BUT when we moved into our own home our (Aaron's - but I claim her as mine) Aunt Diane gifted us with her china.  It was given to her when she wed in the 60s. Not only did she give her what was given to her, she completed the set of serving pieces for us. If I was ever gonna have china, this is how I'd want it. It was a gift. It's been in the family for decades. It tells a story, and it's super special to me.

One night shortly after we moved in, she came over with loads of boxes. She washed each peace by hand and put it way for me. Little did we know, we had just the spot for it. I took pictures that night, but I cannot find them. Here's a couple that I just snapped. Please excuse my horrible photography!
While Aaron was in Africa, Aunt Diane and Cari (our cousin - her daughter) came over to hang out with all of us and cook us dinner. It was such a fun night and the spread was gourmet! AND I got to use my china!

These two ladies have served us in incredible ways as we have transitioned back into the states and had another baby. They made a project out of freezer meals for us and STOCKEEEEDDD us with meals and groceries. It was such a blessing! This evening was yet another extension of their love for us as they cared for us while Aaron was gone. So fun :) 

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